What are Your Counseling Interests?

Gay Inside Out Programs & Services include charitable, educational programming such as: Inclusive learning opportunities for groups and individuals; Outreach activities that cultivate relationships and educate the community at large about Gay Inside Out’s mission, and how people of Whatcom County can address social justice issues relevant to LGBT civil rights and specific needs; and Recreational events that invite social networking opportunities for LGBT individuals. Currently, without a designated structure for Gay Inside Out, we are utilizing free spaces in Bellingham to meet and provide programs that help improve LGBT health and enhance quality of life. Here are lists of proposed programs and services and what has been offered:

(September – June)

  • LGBT Healthcare Issues
  • Lesbian Health (Project)
  • Transgender/Transsexual Health (Project) – target medical community
  • STDs & HIV/AIDS Prevention & Resources
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Drug & Alcohol Abuse
  • Coming OUT Discussions
  • Depression & Mental Illness
  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • Bullying & Harassment
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Parenting & Parenting Support Group
  • Money Management
  • Marketing Self for Employment (Project idea) – target group: transgender
  • Youth Peers, Leadership & Mentorship (Project idea)

  • Educational Programs Offered 

    Gay Inside Out provides a number of educational opportunities to the Whatcom County community, all of which are led by credentialed adult educators and experts on the topic presented.

    The frequency and timing of these programs is currently limited by the availability of donated space in the community. We are working toward having a settled location where we will be able to provide these and many other programs on a regular, ongoing basis - we need your help.

  • Brain Dead: Preparing A Living Will to Include Partners
    This workshop will help you fill out legal documents to plan for decision making should you become seriously ill. Forms are provided.
  • You Can Prevent Diabetes
    A 3 week program which addresses: a personalized meal plan, fun local resources to get you to move your body and weight management.
  • Back to School/Work Meal Ideas
    Learn how to plan and make quick, healthy, tasty and less expensive meals for ages 6 to 66! Resources and recipes provided.
  • LGBT Health Risks: What You Can Do
    A 3 week program addressing specific health concerns associated with same sex partners, transgender males and transgender females. Discussion will be around mental and physical health risks that are at higher rates within these populations. Discover where to go for help.
  • Holiday Make Over Pleasers
    A 2 week program. Learn to put some spice into your life when you start to change those old-time recipe favorites to healthier ones. Bring samples of your new recipe in the next week to test OUT.
  • Nuts About You
    Discover the healthy benefits of nuts, seeds and oils. Recipes for your valentine provided.
  • Green Eggs and Ham
    This St. Patrick’s Day, spring into leaner and healthier protein foods to get into shape. There are lots of benefits to lean proteins including preventing chronic diseases.
  • Beyond Bars: Healthier Social Circles for LGBT
    Come and explore other options for meeting and socializing with adults after hours in Whatcom County. The format will be a facilitated discussion with resource handouts to take home.
  • Healthy Relationships for LGBT
    A 3 week program. LGBT adults and seniors - Discover new ways to find or keep lasting relationships. We'll discuss strategies to nurture healthy relationships and discover where to go for help. References and resources provided. Each session is open to all sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions.
  • Coming OUT Workshop
    A 3 week program. Join us in a safe space to embrace and explore your sexual identity and gender expression. Coming out allows you to develop as a whole individual, allows for greater empowerment, and is necessary for developing a healthy and positive identity. To get you started, we'll share scripted LGBTQA coming out monologues and then invite your stories to share with your friends and families.
  • Dating Do’s and Speed Dating Ops
    Find out more about: the art of flirting, disclosure concerns, negotiating safer sexual practices, and building on the recognition of individual preferences and compatibility. Oh, and engage in a round of "sober speed dating"!!